Sabledrake Enterprises is a small company founded in 1998 with four goals:

  • To publish novels

  • To write and publish roleplaying games and supplements

  • To promote and advertise these products as well as all of the writings of Christine Morgan

  • To engage in a variety of activities in support of the above.  These include:  

We are:

Tim Morgan

Christine Morgan


Our contact information is:


Sabledrake Enterprises



Our Partners:

  • Gary's Games and Hobbies -- Tim is the manager and webmaster for the Seattle game store.  Gary's Games carries all of our products in their store and one their website.  We also share dealer's room space at many of the local conventions.

  • Renaissance Alliance Publishing -- The publishers of Christine's ElfLore Trilogy.  We carry some of their products on our websites.

  • Sterling House Publishing -- The publishers of Christine's first book, Curse of the Shadow Beasts.  We had a horrible experience with this company, bought up their entire back stock of CotSB, and caution everyone we meet to be very careful when dealing with them.

  • Morris Press -- the printers of Dark of the Elvenwood and Archmage of the Universe.  Excellent people to deal with.

  • Lightning Source Inc. -- the POD printers of Black Roses.  Excellent people to work with.

  • TimeFare Inc. -- the studio that 'published' the Black Roses Audio Book.