Welcome to Sabledrake Magazine, the online magazine for gamers and sci-fi/fantasy enthusiasts. Sabledrake Magazine comes out quarterly, on the first Monday of each of the months listed below. Each issue has a theme.
Christine & Tim Morgan would like to thank all of our writers, artists and readers for their support over the last four years. We regret that we are taking a break from Sabledrake Magazine to concentrate on some other writing projects.
Christine will continue writing novels and short stories. Her latest works can be found at christine-morgan.org.
Tim is engrossed in writing the Simulacrum Roleplaying Game and the first setting for it, Ellis: Kingdom in Turmoil. More information and playtest information can be found at simulacrumrpg.com.
We don't know when we'll be able to devote the time that Sabledrake Magazine deserves, but we both hope it's soon. Thanks again to everyone.
Previous Issues:
January, 2000
February, 2000
March, 2000
April, 2000
May, 2000
June, 2000
July, 2000
August, 2000
September, 2000
October, 2000
November, 2000
December, 2000
February, 2001
May, 2001
August, 2001
November, 2001
February, 2002
May, 2002
August, 2002
November, 2002
February, 2003
May, 2003
August, 2003
November, 2003
February, 2004
May, 2004
August, 2004
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