Sabledrake Magazine

March, 2000


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Feature Articles

     Changling Seed, Ch. 3


     Of the Blood

     The Redstone

     A King for Hothar, Pt. 3

     New Powers for Villians & Vigilantes

     Courage by the Pound

     Action Movie Advantages for GURPS

     Running a Fantasy PBeM Game




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New Powers for Villains and Vigilantes

Copyright 2000 by Michael L Straus



In my opinion, no superhero game on the market has ever captured the true flavor of comic books better than Second Edition Villains and Vigilantes.

Say what you will about the old game; it is the most well balanced of all the SHRPGs ever. In no other game that I have played can you truly have any type of character and have them play on an equal level with any other type. Bat Guy and Super Dude truly can fight together in V & V.

The following are several new powers for the Second Edition Villains and Vigilantes games. In here you will find variations of existing powers, new powers and some ideas for the many “Wild Card” powers of V & V (mutant power, body power, chemical power, etc.).

Many of these powers are original, but others are copied from other web pages or adapted from other games. Where I have used someone else's idea, I will let you know.



1: Physical Structure.

The character can absorb or mimic the properties (and thus the structural rating) of any substance he can touch. This ability applies to mimicking the properties of structure only; if you touch a open fire you won’t get Flame Powers.

The Power cost (PR) of this power should equal the SR of the substance being absorbed. If you touch Stone (SR=6) then it would cost 6 PR to transform. Once transformed, multiply the character’s weight by the SR of the substance absorbed -- for stone (SR=6), multiply weight by 6. The character would also take on the basic appearance of the substance.

It is up to the GM whether the character gets any “special effects” from the substance absorbed. You may wish to let them have the SR of the substance as a form of invulnerability. If they absorb SR 6 Stone having them gain 6 points of Invulnerability may or may not be ok with you.

Obviously taking on the properties of glass, paper, balsa wood and other fragile substances is a BAD THING!

This transformation can have a time limit (2d8 rounds is good) or a PR cost per round/ hour to maintain. Whatever you feel best fits your game.

Crusher Creel, the Absorbing Man of Marvel Comics had this power and the ability to copy any power/special effect projected at him (see below). He once was able to even absorb/transform in to water but he became so diffused in the lake that it took him months to reform himself.

(Based on ideas found on The Morpheus Unbound and Pandemonium web site.)


2: Powers/Special Effects.

There are three common variations on this power:

A) Power Copy by Touch.

The character can touch a willing (or unwilling) subject and copy their super powers. If your subject can fly, now you can also.

The character may or may not have any control over what power they get if the subject has more then one power (that's up to the GM). In most cases the character can only copy one power at a time, though in some cases more may be allowed at the GM’s discretion (the Super Adaptoid was able to copy the powers of the original Avengers, Mimic could copy all the powers of the original X-men at the same time, and Amazo could copy the powers of the original Justice League. Animal Man could copy the ability of any animal in the area).

The PR of this should be 2 and the power should have some kind of time limit (2d8 rounds is good).

One important fact to remember is that you are just getting a photo copy of someone else’s power. At their level of power, not yours. If you copy TK Boy’s Telekinesis, you get Telekinesis at whatever range and effect he has. Your ability and level will have no effect on it.

Variations on this theme might let the individual copy Technology powers (from devices) or magic, but the power should not let you copy everything.

B) Power Copy by Contact.

The character can copy any power he has had contact with, that is to say any power he has been hit by. So if the character gets hit with Flame Powers now he has Flame Powers. Of course you will still take the damage from the attack!

(Example: In the Avengers cartoon, The Absorbing Man was hit by Scarlet Witch's hex bolt and absorbed it; for the next few seconds he was firing off random hex bolts)

There should be no PR cost for this type of absorption (taking the initial damage is price enough don’t you think) though a time limit of some kind should be implemented (it wears off).

As above, remember that you are just getting a photo copy of someone else’s power. Your own ability and level will have no effect on it.

C) Effect Copy.

The character does not necessarily copy powers, but their effects. So if you touch someone with Flame Power B or who is made of Iron, then you will get that power / effect. If you touch someone with Telepathy, you won’t copy it as there is no ACTIVE special effect.

This version best explains Crusher Creel’s (see above) ability to touch a blast furnace and suddenly gain Flame Powers or to touch water and become water.

The PR should be around 2 and their should be a Time Limit.


3: Skill Copy/Knowledge - Memories.

The character can touch a subject and gain an innate understanding of all their skills and knowledge. If you touch Mozart, you copy his level of musical skill. If you touch Archery Boy, you copy his skill with a bow. If you touch Mario Andretti, you copy his driving skill.

This ability would allow you to Copy any “Super Skills” (such as Heightened Agility A or any thing else rolled on the SKILL table) and also any knowledge/training/skills the subject has. So if you touch someone with Heightened Endurance A +6, you gain that SKILL; if you touch someone with

Martial Arts you gain that skill, if you touch Stephen Hawking you gain his skills and knowledge.

You can only copy one Super Skill at a time or one Skill Set / person’s normal skills at a time. So if the individual touched Bow Guy he would get his Heightened Expertise with Bows, but if he then touched Stephen Hawking, he would gain his understanding of Physics but lose the bow skills.

The Power Cost of this should be 2 and it should have a time limit.

Remember you are just Xeroxing someone else’s knowledge, not improving your own. You copy their knowledge at their level of skill. Your abilities have no effect on what you copy and once the skills fade, you should only have a vague recollection of them.

The GM may allow the character to spend inventing points to Keep a skill set but not Super Skills.


4: Stat Copy.

The character touches an individual and copies one (or more) of their stats. For the next (Level x2) rounds, the character’s stat is now an exact copy of the subject’s stat -- higher OR lower!

The character’s hit points and Power should not change but their CC, Damage Mod, Accuracy, Reaction Mods, etc. should.

The character must state which stat they are going to copy before they touch, and can only copy one stat at a time. PR=2


5: Movement rate.

The character touches an individual and copies their total movement (running) rate. He can ADD this to his ground rate and/or any other movement rates he may have.

This lasts (level X 2) rounds. PR=1 to copy.


Animated Servants:

There are two types of Animated servants -- magical (golems, zombies), and technological (robots).You could also have Psychic animated servants, though I can’t think of any examples from comic books that I have seen (but don’t let that stop you from coming up with one).


1: Animate the Dead.

Based on ideas from Christine Morgan

The character has the necromantic ability to animate and control the dead (yuck).  The character can summon up 1d6 Zombies/Skeletons from the area. These can be human or animal based on whatever happens to be around. The PR=2 per Zombie summoned and the corpses hang around for one hour/level before reverting back to their original ‘dead’ state.

Zombies are 100% loyal but not very smart. They will obey simple commands but have no free will or decision making ability. They simply do what they are told to the best of their ability.

Typical humanoid zombie: HP: 12. Power: 24. HTH damage: 1d8. Agility: 8. Move: 20

Typical animal zombie: HP: 6. Power: 12. HTH damage: 1d4. Agility: 5. Move: 10


2: Spirit Guide.

Based on ideas from the Mystery Man film

The character has a ghostly companion/spirit guide that has taken up residence in the character’s body or perhaps in an item or object the character possess (Such as the Ghost in the “haunted tank” or the bowler’s father in her bowling ball).

The Ghost can only be seen and heard by the character (and perhaps those with special senses or telepathy). The ghost can advise the character and will have its own intelligence rating and areas of knowledge. If the Ghost inhabits an object (such as a bowling ball) then the ghost can animate the object and even attack with it (As a 4th level character).


3: Summon Ghost/Spirit.

Based on ideas found on the Pandemonium web site.

Similar to the summon zombie power, but the character can call upon the local spirits for aid. This can be a humanoid or animal ghost what ever happens to be around. PR=X where X is the ‘ecto’ points of the spirit.

The spirit will have the Non-Corporealness power, fight at 4th level, and have 2d10 ‘ecto’ points (hit points). When a spirit reaches 0 ‘ecto’ points it returns from whence it came.


4: Tattoos.

The character has 1d6 magical tattoo of animals on his/her body. The character can activate one tattoo at a time turning it into its real life counter part.

PR=4 to activate a tattoo and you can only have one going at a time.

Animals can be real or fantastic and will be totally loyal to their master. It’s up to the GM and the player as to what animals are in tattoo form.

Use the Animal stats at the end of the V & V rule book. When an Tattoo beast reaches 0 Hit Points it does not die but reverts back to the energy it came from. The owner can not call on it again for one week while it heals.


5: Figurine of Wonder.

Based on the Ice Wind Dale books.

The character possesses a small figurine carved in the likeness of an animal (such as a black panther). The Figurine can magically transform to its real life counterpart.

PR=4 to transform the figurine. The creature is intelligent and loyal to whomever holds the figurine. It fights at 4th level and responds in all ways like a real animal. (see the animal tables at the end of the V & V rule book).

Should the creature reach 0 Hit Points it will revert back to its figurine state and the owner can not call on it again for a week while it recovers.


6: Summon Giant Robot.

Based on Iczar Robo and several other anime style robot shows.

The character can summon a giant robot from “hammer space” that will fight for him. It can either be a suit the character must pilot (Iczar Robo) or have its own intelligence and personality (The Iron Giant).

The robot stands 20 feet tall and weighs about 4000 pounds. It has an agility of 16 and an ADR of 100. Its internal SR/HP is 60. The Giant Robot will be very strong (HTH +1 to hit 4d10+2 damage) and have some kind of beam weapon (R=20. D=3d8) as well as a Energy Sword (+2 HTH + 2d10+4 damage).


Body Powers:

The character’s entire body or body parts possess a power of some sort. Here are some ideas.


1: Chameleon Blending.

The character shares the powers of the Chameleon lizard, able to blend into his surroundings. The character is 90% undetectable if not moving, 70% undetectable if moving at a rate of 1’ per turn.

20% undetectable if moving at a rate of 5’ per turn. Moving any faster and the power does not work. The power has a hourly cost of PR=1 per hour.


2: Clinging.

The character can cling to and climb and surface at a rate of 1/2 his full movement rate. It is up to the GM as to whether he can cling to slick surfaces like oil, ice and glass.


3: Hold Breath.

The character has super strong lungs. Able to hold his breath for an number of ROUNDS = to his Endurance.


4: Glow in the Dark.

The character’s body generates a pale natural light similar to fireflies and many marine animals. The light provides no offense or defense but can be used to see in the dark, communicate (Morse code) and help to disguise the character’s identity. PR=0. Movement only to turn on/off.


5: Super Leap.

The character can leap and spring like a human pogo-stick. He can leap (S+EX.75) high and (S X E X 1.25) across in one bounce . He can leap up to (A/10) times in a turn. PR=0.


6: Extra Limbs.

The character has extra arms or legs.

*+15 inactive per extra arm.

*+20 movement rate per extra leg.

*Snake tail. The character’s lower body is in fact a long (8 feet) snakelike tail. The tail can be used to make a HTH attack and it allows the character to rear up on the tail an extra 8 feet.


7: Generate Blades.

The character can cause blades composed of organic steel and bone to pop out of any part of their body.

PR=1 per turn for +1 to hit +2 to damage. PR=2 per turn for +2 to hit +4 to damage. PR=3 per turn for +3 to hit +6 to damage.


8: Prehensile Hair.

The character’s hair can act as an extra limb. It can stretch up to (S+A X 2) and can lift up to(S X 10) pounds. PR=1 per turn. Treat as telekinesis defense if used as a defense.


9: Shoot needles /quills/ spikes /thorns /shards.

The character can generate and shoot razor sharp ‘needles’ from the skin. +1 to hit D=2d8. R=E. # of shots per day = E. PR=1 per shoot. Anyone attempting to touch the character will take 1d8 damage from the quills.


10: Human Top.

The character can spin at amazing speeds. PR=1 per turn and gets Vibratory defense. +1d10 to all HTH type attacks while spinning and +15 inactive


11: Tunneling/Burrowing.

The character can tunnel much like a groundhog or mole. The character can turn at a rate of (S+E/2 - the SR of the substance they are tunneling through). If the total is 0 the substance is too tough to dig through. PR=1 per turn.


12: Characteristic Boost.

Roll 3d10 and divide total amongst ALL your stats any way you see fit.


13: Extra Attack.

The character does not have to spend any extra power during a combat round if he gets more then one attack. He still has to spend PR if he makes multiple attacks on his phase but he does not have to spend 2 PR for every phase after his first.


14: Fast Recovery.

The character recovers (E/10) points of power at the end of each turn.


15: Heat Vision.

R=A . D=2d8. PR=2. Attack as flame power.


16: Heightened Carrying Capacity.

Calculate CC normally then roll 3d10 and multiply CC by that number.


17: Perfect Hair.

Based on an idea on Morpheus Unbound web site.

The character is always attractive and well groomed. Their hair only moves when it is dramatically important. They never break a nail, have bad breath, or body odor. Their teeth are always white and their clothing is always clean. Tar, blood, mud and dust do not stick to them (Last Action Hero) and they get a +1 reaction modifier from the opposite sex.


18: Performance Boost.

Everything about you is a little better then normal. +2% to both detects. +1d6 to all stats. +1 to hit HTH.


19: Personal Force Field.

A glowing energy nimbus around the character that provides Heightened Defense and the Adaptation defense. PR=1 per use/hour.


20: Reflection.

The character’s body is highly reflective. Any light/laser based attack will bounce off the character and has a (A%) chance of hitting the person that fired the blast.


21: Immune To....

Pick one damage type. The character is immune to it. He take no damage from it.

Examples: Immune to fire, immune to electricity, immune to poison. Does not age.


22: Body Mass.

X 1d4 to weight. +1d6 strength and endurance.


23: Impact Resistance.

Character takes 1/2 damage from all falls. throws and kinetic impacts. This includes punches and kicks and blows from blunt weapons like a mace or a club, but not from swords or other blade cutting weapons. It also includes bullets.


24: Body Weapons.

At the cost of 2 PR the character can turn his hands into any melee weapon (mace, club, sword, dagger, etc.)


25: Plague Claws/Bite.

On a successful HTH attack the character can scratch and/or bite a victim and deliver a painful plague-like infection. The initial attack with do HTH damage +2d6 AND the victim will take an additional d6 every round till the wound is cleaned out.


26: Retarded Aging.

The character only ages one year for every three, and physically appears to be in their 20’s no matter what their actual age.


27: Contact Illusion / Emotion Control.

Anyone touching or touched by the character will experience a very realistic illusion / emotion control attack. The victim must save vs. I or experience the effect for the next 2d8 turns.

Examples: Morgue has the ability that any one touching him feels like they are crawling with maggots. Laurel has the ability that any one touching her falls in love with her._


28: Big Fists.

Based on an idea from Barry Osser

The character has big strong hands and does +1d10 in HTH combat.


29: Polarized Eyes.

The character’s eyes adapt quickly to changes in light. He can not be blinded by bright sunlight or flash attacks.


Chemical / Poison / Venom Powers:


1: Chemical Structure.

Pick a compound or structure (such as stone or diamond). The character’s body now takes on the composition of said compound. Multiply weight by the SR of the chosen substance (stone = x6 weight) and give the character SR points worth of Invulnerability.

If the character can switch back and forth then it’s PR=4 to transform, though this should be permanent.


2: Blinding Foam.

The character can project a stinging foam that causes 2d8 damage. On a special attack to the eyes the foam can blind for one hour. PR=2. R=e. # of shots per day =E.


3: Chloroform.

Based on an idea from the Pandemonium web site.

The character can assume the state of chloroform.

*Gaseous state. PR=4 to transform. Non Corprealness defense. All in cloud must save Vs E or fall asleep for 2d8 turns. Move as cloud =1/2 normal move.

*Liquid state. PR =4 to transform. IF any one touches liquid they take 2d8. Automatic chemical power defense, Move=1/2 normal movement rate.


4: Crystalline Structure.

The character’s body is now made of organic crystal/silicone .Weight X3. The character can also focus and reflect light provided there is a strong light source (like the sun), duplicating the powers of Light Control.


5: Hydro Form.

The character is composed of organic liquid (Fathom, Hydro Man).

*Generate a high pressure water blast. R=S+E .D=2d6 PR=1

*Turn into water. Defend as vibratory and the character can fit into tight spaces, puddle, splash and pour himself just like water. Move= 1/2 normal movement rate. PR=4 to transform.


6: Phantom Gas.

Attacks on the chemical power chart but at +2 to hit. Fills an area that is 2’ wide by 5’ deep. All in the area must save vs. I or lose the last 5 minutes of memory and be stunned for one full round.

Individuals that do not breathe, have adaptation or will power are not effected.


7: Pheromones.

R=C. PR=3 per turn. +10 reaction from opposite sex while in use.


8: Burning Blood.

R=E X 2. D=2d8 PR=8.


9: C02 Foam Spray.

The character possesses the ability to project C02 foam which amongst other effects can be used to put out fires. R=E X 2. PR=4 D=1d8


Heightened Senses:

1: Detect Magic.

The character can see magic auras around enchanted people, places or things within his line of sight.


2: Reception.

The character can receive and translate most radio and television broadcasts. This does not include cable, satellite, HD or scrambled communications.


3: Lie Detection.

Based on an idea from Anton Lewis

Can tell if a target is telling the truth or not. Must make a successful Detect Hidden X2 % roll to spot a lie. May spend inventing points to spot lies in print of prerecorded broadcasts.


4: Precognition.

The character has the ability to see in to the possible future.

*Detect danger X3

*GM can give the character precog flashes/dreams and visions of the future at any time he wants to give the character a hand or a red herring.

*+2 to hit with ALL attacks.


5: Object Reading / Blueprint.

The character gains an instant insight and understanding of any object or device he touches. He will instantly understand the use and function of the device no matter how alien and has an I% to ‘read’ the history of the object.


6: Perception.

The character has an enhanced sense of perception and awareness. +20% to all detect hidden rolls.


7: 360-Degree Vision.

The character can not be snuck up on or surprised. Opponents get no bonuses for attacking him from behind and the character can make side or back attacks at no minus.


8: Keen Senses.

All the character’s % senses are at the peak of human perfection.

*+10% to both detect hidden and detect danger.

*+3/15% to all rolls involving perception or one of the five senses such as tracking, smelling, hearing etc.


9: Direction Sense.

The character can always sense Magnetic North and can never get lost. They always have a general idea of where they are and how far it is to get back to wherever they consider ‘home’.


10: Time Sense.

The character always knows what time it is. Not only can he act like a human watch and stopwatch. He can also tell how long he has been doing something, how much time has passed since a certain event he was involved with has passed and most importantly. If knocked out he can tell how long he was asleep.


Heighten Attack- Variations


1: As Is.

Character receives a +1 to ALL damage he does per level.


2: Set.

The character receives a +4 bonus to ALL damage he causes. This does not increase with level as does the above.


Heightened Defense - Variations

1: Heightened Defense A.

This is the classic Heightened defense in the V & V rule book.


2: Heightened Defense B.

Based on an idea from Derrick Scott

Think of this as the reverse to Heightened Attack. You are -1 to be hit per level. Eek.


3: Heightened Defense C.

Based on an idea from Christine Morgan

Displacement -- the character appears 1d4 feet away from where he actually is. All attacks against the character are made at -4 whether he is aware of it or not, and the character is +1 to hit when he attacks due to this effect.


Mutant Powers:

Mutant power, the ultimate wild card in V & V. Anything goes with this power. The following are some original ideas, conversions from other games and some ideas I found on the web.


1: Manipulate Kinetic Energy.

The character can ‘charge’ any hand held object with kinetic energy, turning it in to a weapon and being able to throw it accurately and cause damage with it. In addition the character has a higher resistance to kinetic damage then normal.

*The character takes 1/2 damage from falls, explosions, punches, kicks, bullets, arrows, swords and other kinetic/impact based weapons. Energy and such still does full damage. PR=1 per attack repulsed.

*The character can double the range of any thrown object. PR=1 per use.

*Double the damage of any thrown object (no, that does not mean a grenade does double damage when the character throws it) PR=1 per use.

* Any object thrown may return to the character on the next turn if he so wishes. PR=1 to make it return.


2: Divine Aura.

This power provides the character with a divine aura of divinity, similar to that of legendary figures such as the Greek gods.

*Reaction modifier. The character may chose to receive all positive or all negative reaction modifiers from a group based on his charisma. PR=8 per round.

*Followers. Whether the character wants them or not he attracts one follower/side kick per level who treats the character as a trusted friend.

*Power of command. the character can issue powerful one word commands to listeners. Treat this as a Mind Control attack. R=Charisma. PR=8

*The Voice. The character can make his voice as loud as a speaker system and can be heard clearly up to 1600 feet away. PR =1 per round.

*+1d10 charisma.


3: Immortality.

The character does not age and is immune to poison and disease as well as being able to heal at an incredible rate. The character can still be damaged and can still die, it’s just very hard to kill him.

*Does not age.

*Immune to all forms of disease and sickness.

*Immune to all forms of toxin, venoms and poisons including radiation poisoning. Immune to gases, the effects of drugs (including the good ones) and even food poisoning.

*The character’s natural healing rate is doubled. He can recover from damage up to below negative ENDURANCE hit points as long as his body is still in one piece. This does NOT include regeneration.

*Immune to Death Touch.


4: Machine Link / Technoempathy.

The power to communicate with machines the way a telepath can communicate with people.

*Chance to drive/pilot any vehicle. 80% PR=1 per hour

*Chance to use/understand any computer, mechanical or electronic device= 80%

*+2 to HIT with any modern technological weapon, including energy weapons but not swords and the like.

*Chance to operate alien technology. 60%

*Chance to short out technology (Lightning control) R=E X 2 PR=4 65% to short out

*Chance to take control of technology (lighting control). R=E X 2. PR=4 per round.. Save on INT to gain control, save on AGILE every round to maintain control.


5: Clone Self / Duplication.

The character can produce one or more duplicates of himself. These clones have all the knowledge, skills, stats and powers of the original (but NOT the clone power) and appear wearing the same or similar clothing to the character (but without any equipment, armor or weapons the original may have had).

The character can create one copy at first level. It is up to the GM and the player as to whether he can make any more copies after the first (Maddox, the multiple man could make up to 10 copies of himself, while Duo could make only one).

It costs 10 PR to create a clone and one action. If the clone is injured the character can reabsorb it and it will be healed in 24 hours. If the clone is killed the creator can never replace it and he loses ONE POINT OF ENDURANCE from shock.

Clones fight at 4th level and never gain any experience. Any experience the clone would have gained goes to the creator.


6: Luck.

The character is unbelievable lucky. Probability and karma are always in their favor.

*-4 to be hit in combat due to dumb luck.

*Killing blows will not kill the character, only stun him.

*Character receives +6 to all skill and stat checks when ever he needs to do something and +10% to all % rolls.

*The character’s chance to detect hidden and danger are doubled.

*Critical blows do normal damage against the character and not double.

The character will always come out ahead in games of chance, but the laws of karma will never allow him to get TOO lucky (or too cocky). So the character could go to Vegas and win a fortune but by the time he gets back home most of the money will be gone and he will only have enough left to pay his bills for the month and live comfortably.


7: Density Control.

The character can control his density, changing from massive as a mountain to light as a feather.

*Increase density. The character can increase his mass at the rate of +100 pounds per level. Besides the increased basic his and carrying capacity this will grant him, he will be harder to knock over/back. PR=4 to transform. Should the character’s weight ever exceed his own carrying capacity he will be unable to move himself.

*Decrease density. The character can decrease mass to the point where he becomes weightless. -100 lbs./level. PR=4 to transform. Besides affecting agility, hit points and carrying capacity, should the character drop weight to 0, he will become weightless and bob and float about like a balloon. Unless the individual has Flight, TX, Magnetic, Gravity, Flame, or some other way to maneuver himself, he will be victim to the whims of the wind.

*Intangibility. The character can alter his density to the point where he becomes completely intangible (Non-Corprealness). PR=4 to transform.

PR=1 per hour.


8: Deflection.

The character can deflect energy based attacks from himself and towards a different target. PR=4. Save vs. agility to successfully deflect an attack. Works vs. energy (fire, lightning) only.


9: Energy Bombs.

(Meltdown of X-force has this power.)

The character has the ability to create balls of explosive energy that can be programmed to detonate after a predetermined delay (No longer then 60 seconds). Each bomb is PR=2 to create. Can be thrown up to A range and will explode in a 2’ radius causing 1d10 (Bombs are +2 to hit).

Character may generate up to (A/5) bombs in one action and must specify how long before the bomb explodes (remember no longer then 60 seconds)


9: Explosive Charge.

(Gambit of the X-men has this power.)

The character can ‘charge’ any non living object they touch with an explosive charge that will detonate when the object is struck. PR=2 per use. D=1d10 explosion in a 1’ radius.

Objects can only hold one charge at a time and can only hold a charge for one hour. Can be used on any non living object from thrown weapons, to playing cards, to a door, to lunch meat.


10: Healing Touch.

The character can ‘lay on hands’ and heal others.

The character can either heal hit points or power when touching a subject but not both at the same time.

PR=2 to heal 1d6 power points

PR=4 to heal 1d6 hit points.

This power takes one full turn to use. This is not regeneration, it can not bring the dead back to life, re-grow lost limbs or work on anyone who is at 0 HP and 0 PR.


11: Vertigo.

The character can induce vertigo in a target

R=(S X 2) PR=2 to strike one individual or the character can attack everyone in a (S X 2) radios for PR=4. Vertigo attacks on the Sonic powers chart. Everyone effected will be dizzy and nauseous and will be unable to tell left from right and up from down. Each victim must save vs. A every turn they are effected or take 1d6 from bumping in to things and such. Each victim is allowed a E save at the end of the round to shake it off.


12: Lava/Magma powers

Based on an idea from Barry Osser

The character has control over lava and magma, getting the best of both Ice and Flame powers.

*Lava blast. R =(S+E/2). D=2d6. PR=2 This attack creates 2 cubic feet of hot lava per point of damage. Each victim will take an additional 2 points of damage per cubic foot of lava stuck to them in between rounds until they free themselves of the lava. Lava has a SR of 4 for purposes of breaking free. IF the number of cubic feet of lava on a victim X100 is greater then the victim’s carrying capacity then they are immobilized and can not break free.

*Magma armor. The character can coat himself in a armor made of lava and magma. This armor gives the character flame defense and 1 point of ADR for each game inch of movement spent (up to 100 ADR Max). Magma armor crumbles off at a rate of 4 ADR a phase unless maintained. PR=1 to create armor and PR=1 per phase to maintain at full ADR


13: Sand Blast.

The character can create and control high power blasts of sand.

*Sandblast. R=(S). D=1d10. PR=2. Attack as vibratory.

*Sandstorm. PR=8. Area of effect (Current power/4)sphere. Duration=6 turns. Vision is reduced to 1’ (except for the creator who can see just fine in the sandstorm). Sandblasts attacks do X2 damage in the sand storm. All other attacks do 1/2 damage.


14: Aura of Heat / Cold

Based on an idea from Van

The character radiates a zone of either extreme heat or cold (chose one only) from his body in a one hex radios. All living targets within the radius must make a save vs. A or take 2d6 damage and either be set on fire or frozen. PR =2 per round active.


15: Double.

Pick any one Stat or sub-stat the character has and double it.

Examples: Behemoth has Double Strength. Sham has double Power. Body Bag has Double Healing rate.


16: Creation.

The character has the ability to rearrange particles in the environment around him to create any non living object he has seen or read about. The creation will have all the ability and powers of the described object.

Maximum weight of the creation is about 500 lbs. PR=20. The creation remains for one hour then reverts back to ‘ecto goop’.


17: Heightened Initiative.

Although not much faster then a normal person, the character reaction time is incredible; +30 initiative.


18: Invention.

Based on an idea from Barry Osser

The character has the ability to understand, conceive and design technology at an unbelievable rate.

*x3 inventing points;

*x4 inventing %;

*+1d6 intelligence.


19: Life Force Manipulation.

Based on an idea from Barry Osser

The character can manipulate the life force of a target. By touching a living being he can perform one of two things:

*Steal life force. PR=5, attack as Paralysis. You can drain 2d6 hit points from a victim and transfer them to yourself for the purpose of healing. You can not use this ability to raise your hit points above their total max.

*Lend life force. PR=5. You can loan another 2d6 of your hit points. The recipient’s hit points can not exceed their normal max. You can not drop yourself below 2 hit points


20: Relative Gravity.

Based on idea from Anton Lewis

The character has their own personal center of gravity. They can determine that down is always beneath their feet. Among other things the character can walk along walls, ceilings or at any angle.

The character can also choose to fall in any direction, simulating a form of uncontrolled flight. The character is unaffected by Gravity Control attacks. Their gravity can not be altered.

PR=1 per use or as a defense.


21: Photosynthetic Skin.

Based on an idea from Barry Osser

The character’s skin is photosynthetic like a plant’s. The character can regain one point of lost power per phase while in sunlight. He can heal 2d6 hit points per day and the character is immune to light/laser based attacks. It’s just harmless sunlight to him.


22: Fax / Electroform.

Based on idea from Barry Osser

The character can transform himself into a living bolt of electricity and while in this state can travel along power lines and phone lines.

PR=4 to transform. PR=4 per hour. There is a 1 in 6 chance that while traveling along the phone lines the character will get lost and end up someplace other than intended.


23: Cold Fire.

From the mind of Barry Osser

The character can project a blast of “Cold Fire.” R=S X 2. D=2d6. PR=2 per shot. Cold Fire does not spread like normal flame but the victim of the blast can not put the flames out with water or Co2 foam and will take 2 points a turn until he gets the flames out. Only sand or baking soda can put the flame out.


24: Disruption Touch.

The character can disrupt the molecular bonds in objects by touch. PR=2. D=3d10 to inanimate objects. If used in an HTH attack against a living opponent it will cause X2 HTH damage.


25: Flame Power C.

Based on an idea from Barry Osser

The character projects a cone of flame. R=E. creates a cone of flame that fills a area 2’ by 1’ at the start of the cone and 8’ by 4’ at the end of the cone PR=5 D=4d6.


25: Withdraw.

The character can “Withdraw” himself from others to the point where he is completely undetectable. This is not invisibility, simply the ability to remain unnoticed by others. Characters attempting to locate the individual with this power must roll a 5 or less on a 1d100% to even have an idea as to where he is.


26: Soul Absorption.

Gains ALL the powers and memories/skills of any individuals he has personally killed (he sucks their soul). PR=5 per use. Obviously a EVIL power.


27: Decrease.

R=30. PR=10. Can decrease any single property to 10% of its original state (D=2d10 or death touch).


28: Spellbinder.

Can instantly learn and cast any spell character has seen cast by another spell caster.






1: Alter Probability.

R=I X 2. PR=8 per use. The target of this power will receive either +4 to all their die rolls for the rest of the round or -4 to all their die rolls. Instead of this modifier the GM may have a spontaneous uncontrolled but not impossible event to happen that will either help or hinder the target of the attack. Note that the character can not use this on himself, only others.


2: Power Negation.

The character can effect the paranormal powers of others. Note that this only effects powers and has no effect on skills , magic or technology. R=I/2. PR=2 attack as Mind control. Or the character can effect all powers in a (I/2) radius. PR= 4.


3: Power Scramble.

As above but instead the character can scramble the victim’s powers, making the uncontrollable. Flyers will soar off in an uncontrolled direction. Energy blasters will start firing off randomly. PR=3, attack as mind control.


4: Psi Bolt.

The character can generate a bolt of pure psychic energy. PR=1 R=I. D=2d10. Attack as mind control.


5: Translate / Cipher.

The character can understand any spoken language, no matter how alien. If he hears a language for 60 seconds he will then be able to “speak” the language back to the individual. The character has a I X 3% chance to understand and translate any written language, including machine codes, alien dialects and Magic.


6: Minor TK.

R=I/2. PR=2. Can only lift 50 lbs.


7: Shadow Blending.

PR=1 per turn. The character is 80% undetectable in shadows/ darkness if not moving and 50% if moving.


8: Reactions.

The character can chose to have the reaction modifier from their charisma be all positive or all negative when dealing with others (_example_: Force)


9: Immune To ...

The character is immune to the effects of any one other psychic attack. Examples: immune to telepathy, immune to mind control, immune to emotion control, immune to fear.


10: Trip.

Based on an idea from Barry Osser

R=I/2. PR=2. Attack as Mind Control. Victim trips and falls over taking 1d6 and losing their next action.


11: Range.

Double the range of any one other Psychic ability the character has. Example: x2 mind control.


12: Healer’s Touch.

Heal 2d6 power points on others PR=4; Heal 2d6 hit points on others. PR=8; Not usable on self


13: Inventive Genius.

X2 inventing % in one filed of specialty Would have a normal inventing % for everything else but in his one field of specialty that % would be doubled. Example: The Trapster has this for making glue based technology. Professor Steamhead has it for steam technology.


14: Animal Empathy.

Based on an idea from Matt Keating

Animals like you, they really like you. You will always receive a positive reaction from pets and trained animals and untrained/wild animals or guard ‘animals’ must save vs. your C to not be hostile towards you.


15: Minor Telepathy.

R=1/2. PR=2 per use. Can only link to 4 minds at a time. No probe ability.


16: Photographic Memory.

The character is able to recall up to 80% of everything they have ever seen, heard or read. Should the character ever wish to ‘bring up’ a memory they simply have to roll 79% or less on 1d100 to recall it.


17: Speed Reading.

The character can read and comprehend at an incredible rate. They are able to clearly read and understand up to 1/10 pages of information per round (15 seconds)


Willpower B:


1: Pain Resistance.

The character is so tough that he can ignore pain and does not have to make any unconsciousness rolls until dropped to zero hit points. (Think the Undertaker or Cactus Jack)


2: Power Boost.

+40 to total power score.


3: Agent Training.

+2 to hit HTH. -2 to be hit in combat while aware and mobile. +2 to hit with all modern firearms.



Weakness Detection - Variations


1: Weakness Detection A.

Works just like Weakness detection in the rules book.


2: Weakness Detection B (Batman option).

Same rules as in the V & V book but only vs. known and studied foes. Which means you have to Fight the guy at least once and survive but if you do, every time after that you get the modifier when you fight him.


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