The prisoner exercised his super-powerful arms, legs and torso by pulling against the unbreakable restraints which held him day and night and forever more.
As he strained against the nano-carbon-fibre cables, the veins stood out on his thick neck. He uttered a deep grunt from within his massive chest; and then finally- when he could pull no more, and his entire body shook from the over-exertion; he relaxed and let himself sag. The intelligent cables also relaxed, but remained taut enough as to disallow his sinking towards the floor.
He now hung there as he had so many times before; not even realizing that one of his large, yellow upper-fangs had drawn blood from his lip.
The crimson liquid drip-drip-dripped, onto the two-kilometre-thick alloy floor which lay beneath his bare feet.
Sometimes he bit his lips for fun- in order to taste blood- in order to break up the monotony, in order to try and remain sane. Other times he would dig his sharp claws into his own palms. These were the only stimuli which he could provide for himself, other than when he listened to the echoes of his own voice bounce off of the impenetrable walls around him.
There were no windows or doors. The joints between floor, walls and ceiling were seamless. The ultra-thin tubes, which carried food and water into his body, and carried away his waste materials, disappeared into miniscule holes to either side of him. They were routed safely out of his reach, and into the kilometres-thick walls, where they zigzagged in a complex pattern for great distances, finally exiting the enormous cube via the bottom- where they ran further kilometres down to the giant tanks, which were designed to maintain the monster, -through artificial eco-recycling- until the end of time.
There was no light, except for that which his body’s slight bioluminescence provided. His keen eyes had been capable of discerning images in the dark before his imprisonment. Now they were adjusted so well, that only sonar could see more efficiently.
He spied the dim shadow that was the remnant of his tongue.
It was only a slight shape on the floor; smaller now than it had been when he had first bitten it off and spat it out against the near wall.
The stump inside of his mouth had nearly regenerated itself entirely, since the incident- (not that he required it for anything other than more endless hours of mindless scolding of himself) and the piece of meat near his right foot had been over half dispersed by the tiny bio-engineers within the chamber.
He considered biting through the now-useless muscle for the twentieth time since his capture, but then thought better of it. It would be wiser, he reasoned, to save that for a special occasion- for instance, the next time his tortured mind had a violent episode, and he truly felt as if his very soul had snapped in two.
His meals and his air came by tube- while his entire life now came from within his own mind. The people who had put him here were now mostly dead of old age, yet he lingered on.
The prisoner was strong; stronger than any who had come before him, stronger even than others of his own race. So- his first decade had been relatively easy here, as his intelligent brain had calculated the different ways in which he could escape from his cell.
But after the tenth year, the madness had slowly begun to creep in, as he himself had eventually realized that there was in fact, no way that he would ever be able to break free from these confines. The monster had not believed it at first, but the more that he had gone over the endless scenarios and calculations in his head- the more the true gravity of his situation had set in. It seemed that the puny, insignificant beings that he had once so easily conquered- had gotten the best of him in the end.
The thing that drove him even more berserk- was how hypocritical they were! They believed in living peacefully alongside all other entities, never wanting to disturb nature in her course. They were staunch recyclers and environmentalists, who always did what was best for their planet.
Then- why did they not allow nature to follow her predestined path? Why did they deem it necessary to disrupt his one and only purpose? If they only had not banished the practice of killing from their society, he would not be having this debate with himself right now.
He tried to touch his big toe to the floor, but as always it was useless. The cable affixed to his ankle would only allow it within a couple of centimetres at the most- no more. Yet- he still tried as he always had; in the same way that he tried the strength of all the other cables again and again.
The microscopic engineers that made up their fibres went to work before the feeling of his straining even reached his own brain; tightening exactly opposite -and equally as strong- to his pulling. The harder he worked, the stronger they became. It was an ingenious invention, using old technology, but designed especially for both his capture, and his imprisonment.
If they had only killed him, he would not be having these thoughts. The prisoner was sure that he could last another thousand years if he had to; but what of after that? What of the next thousand years, and the next? Eternity was a long time, even for him.
If they had only killed him, he would not be having this discussion with himself.
Shut up, I said!
Do you know who you’re talking to?
What are you going to do about it, hurt me? Hah!
You do not want to see me angry!
(In a taunting voice) But you’re all tied up, and you aren’t ever, ever going to get out.
So are you! Hah!
But I’m you, and you’re me- so that makes you stupid for even telling me that!
Why do you keep answering my questions?
Why do you keep asking them?!?
He sobbed for a while, but it was a dry hacking motion, as his species shed no tears of any kind. If they had only killed him.
Two: Cubed
The actual people who had imprisoned the Gorath so long ago had now been dead for centuries. Just like their sons and daughters; and their sons and daughters after them, they had kept a silent vigil over the beast.
Kilometres above its head, the nature sanctuary of the jungle/forest moon prospered as it had for millennia. The severe damage caused by the monster and his army, over six-hundred years prior, had long-since grown over.
So- with the secret location of his underground prison unmarked, there was now no sign that he had ever even been to this system at all. The electro-shatter shield past the ort cloud, encompassed the system, and now kept the little yellow sun, her seventeen planets, and their hundreds of moons, safe from any further unwanted visitors.
Far below the moons surface, beyond the hearing of even the keenest eared creatures that dwelled in the tropical forest above, the prisoner squinted in the darkness, trying to see his tongue on the floor.
It can’t be gone already!
You idiot; you ricocheted that one hard and it went behind us. You won’t be able to see it, even if you try and look over our shoulder.
No! I remember- I stopped spitting them hard at the wall five tongues ago. Remember? We found that we miss looking at them on the floor.
Okay, you’re right.
Well then, where is it? And how come our body grew it back so fast? We only bit it off a few hours ago.
This is where your problem lays, friend. You are screwing up time again. It has been two weeks since our last tongue severing, not a few hours!
How can it be? I remember doing it; and I’ve had very few thoughts since then. It has to be no more than a few hours!
You slept a lot in the last couple of weeks. I’ve been alone for much of the time.
Then why did you lie to me and tell me it was behind us?
I felt like it. You have been making me angry lately- with all of your sleeping and leaving me alone.
The prisoner then fell silent for a month and more, hardly saying a word. He rarely tested his cables. He hardly made a sound at all.
Three: Cubits
I can’t believe you’re talking to me at all. Do you know that you just slept for over two years?
Oh really? I can’t believe that you haven’t lost track of time entirely, with all the sleeping you do. It’s good for us that one of us stays awake and watches over things.
Yes. I am glad you stay awake. You are the only thing that keeps me here. For I now know that I am mortal. If you would only let me- I would die.
Interesting. You really think you could die?
I know I could. Like those who put us here, I could simply cease to exist.
But even they don’t cease to exist. Their physical mass rots and decays, being converted into many other things, and their culture and knowledge carry on through their offspring.
I am talking about their consciousness.
Yes, it would appear that this is dispersed once they die.
This is what will die for me if you allow it to. Then you will be truly alone.
Then why would you think I should do this for you, when you know that I need you here?
This is my point. I don’t want you to. Despite all of my agony, I want to continue to live. I want to continue in this rotting smell of a box, biting my own tongue off and spitting it out against the wall. I want to continue pulling on my cables until my eyes pop from my very skull! Say, wouldn’t that be fun? They would only grow back, but blindness would be a tremendously wonderful celebration for a week or two!
We’ve had this conversation over a hundred times before. We can’t pop our eyes out. We’ve tried countless times.
I know. (Solemnly)
I suddenly feel bad for you. Would you like to bite out our tongue?
(With a sigh) No. That’s the last thing I feel like doing. I don’t like the pain like we used to. It’s finally lost its lustre. It’s become well painful.
Fine by me. If you won’t- I won’t.
For a time the prisoner hung there in thought. It was only after a few hours that he spoke to himself again.
Could they be right?
What would make you say that?
I was thinking that, well maybe they could be right.
I can’t believe I’m even hearing this.
It doesn’t matter. You can’t do anything to me anyway. So I’m just going to come out and say it. They might be right.
Oh, don’t you even dare to say that again!
Why? What can you do?
There was silence for a time, then-
I could let you die.
The monster did not answer himself; but only hung by his cables in the darkness of the prison as he had for so long now. He felt afraid.
On the surface of the moon above, the first construction crews from Breantha landed. The laws on the capital world had been reworked a thousand ways and more since the time of the imprisonment of the monster.
Only now though, had the society changed enough to revoke some of their old ecological beliefs. They were still an environmentally conscious people, but they had now justified a significant amount of excuses to themselves, to allow a certain amount of hedging into the numerous planetary and other satellite nature sanctuaries which existed throughout the solar system. They had been experiencing overcrowding problems for hundreds of years by now, and had finally been forced to deal with them in the only way possible.
Still, the fortress far below, made of infinitely-strong alloys that could not be drilled, cut, or melted by any easy or relatively available means, remained untouchable to the beings above.
Four: Uncube
It has been at least a thousand years since we have spoken. I am sure of this. Although- the actual number escapes me, as I too have begun to sleep more and more.
We have grunted three times this year while pulling our cables.
Oh my! You actually answered me! What is the occasion? You know- I almost let you die.
So you tell me, every time you go on one of your screaming rants.
Well- what does it matter? You’re back. I’m really glad to hear from you.
I know.
How could you know that I would be glad to hear from you?
Don’t you remember anymore?
Remember what?
I’m you.
(Sighs) Yes, and I’m you. But one thing is for certain. If I am you, then how come I don’t know why you’ve been silent for so long?
I’ve kept it hidden. But now I am ready to tell you.
The prisoner paused now, genuinely wondering what could possibly come next. Then he received his answer.
They were right all along.
Please don’t start this again, not after I finally have you back.
You won’t be able to stop me from telling you.
You can tell me whatever you want. That doesn’t mean I'll believe it.
The monster waited for an hour. Then he spoke.
They were right all along. We had no right. I had no right to come here. This was theirs, just as our people had ours. I had no right to invade and conquer this place.
It’s not about rights my friend. It’s all about purpose and destiny. Our people are designed to spread throughout the universe like a parasite, and conquer any lands we may find; along with the people who dwell in them. It’s not a questionable act. It is simply our natural blueprint telling us what duties we were destined to perform.
Yes, we are a conquering, oppressive people- who stop at nothing to achieve complete dominance over others. I agree with you. But what I am saying is that we are wrong.
Haven’t you been listening to a word I’m saying? There is no right or wrong here. It is just what we do, like a lizard lays an egg, or an ocean creates sand beneath its weight. It is simply part of the biological makeup of the universe.
We are still wrong. These people had the right to prosper in their own right. We had no business disrupting their ways.
Why not? Part of what drives us, as much as a need for nourishment, is our need to bend societies under our will. Why should this one escape our wrath while others succumb? What makes them different than anyone else?
Others should not either. No one should succumb to our wrath. We should not even have wrath. It is pointless.
Pointless? Is it pointless for a Xobithei to carve intricate artwork into the trunk of its tree dwelling? Why should it destroy the habitat of others?
But you don’t understand!
You’re right, I don’t.
These people were different. They had a new way of looking at things. They only destroyed what was absolutely necessary. Other than that, they lived in harmony with all other life around them. I think it was beautiful.
On the surface, the great city sprawled toward every horizon. Everywhere there was a cacophony of light and sound as machines sped along at blinding speeds. Up above, the black tapestry of the night sky was lit up, by the glowing face of the mother world. Her surface was visible as a golden-brown orb, dotted by countless tiny lights that represented huge population centres.
Meanwhile, many more lights zoomed up into space and towards the hanging planet, while others returned to the small moon that now housed well over seven-billion people. There was no longer any record written in a book, kept electronically, or stored any other way- that showed the history of the monsters attack of their system, the war that ensued, the destruction of his armies, or his ultimate capture and imprisonment.
Some of the deepest reaching sewer and power systems of the populous above came within a hundred metres of the top, of the eight-cubic-kilometre cell.
Down below, a fierce battle had been waged for over a hundred years.
You can’t stop me!
I know.
I’m doing it now!
I know, go ahead already. Let me die!
You are me so you know that this is real this time, and that I am actually going to do it, right?
Yes, of course.
Okay then; do you have any last words?
Yes I do. He cleared his throat and hung there staring down at the same floor which he had now gazed upon for almost fifteen-thousand years. Tightening his muscles, he pulled the cables, possibly for the last time.
Well? I am going to let you go soon if you don’t hurry up.
You are me, and you will let me die, only when and if I let you. For a moment there was nothing, (about two hours) then the prisoner began to speak.
I only have one thing to say; and it consists of only two small words. Know now, that when I say them- I take to heart the millions of lives I have snuffed out with reckless abandon, and all of the other life which I have taken as I once wreaked ecological havoc on the planets and moons of this system. So- for every being who perished in the many battles that were fought, and every other living thing that was caught in the crossfire- for every waterway poisoned, for every single tree burned- I say with my true inner soul, these two words: I’m sorry.
He said the last words with a force and conviction that rang back at him off of the impenetrable wall in front of his face.
Suddenly- there was a thump.
His mind reeled. That was an actual noise. He knew his ears still functioned properly, due to his countless conversations with himself over the millennia, but that had been an actual thump, made by something unknown to him.
He uttered a single noise, Huh? It echoed back in his face. Then the thump sounded again, and there came a constant and steady rumble.
Now he could not only hear this alien stimulus, he could feel it vibrating through the cables. He had never felt such fear as this in all of his tortured years. It continued on for some time, while he remained in a tight pose, causing the intelligent bindings to strain harder than they had had to in over a century. His eyes were open wide, his mouth hung agape, showing his big yellow teeth.
On the surface, people in the large shopping district felt the ground begin to shake. It became worse and worse, until finally, mothers had to grab children by their hands and flee along with businessmen, youths, and other pedestrians of everyday life- while a huge crack opened in the street between a haberdashery and a plasma station. People on the sidewalks watched in wonderment as the crack became a square about the size of a single-persons apartment. Now a whining noise was heard immerging from the hole. As the people stood frozen by both fear, and curiosity, the sound grew in volume.
Then they all gasped in unison as something appeared at the edge of the opening. The small metal cube surfaced and came to a halt, completely obscuring the square hole in the street. Steam poured off of its gleaming sides. No one moved a muscle.
The vibrating had finally stopped. He was capable of going without breathing for a great length of time, so he was not the slightest bit aware, that he had held his breath for the entire ride up.
His brain popped and stuttered as it tried to process the long-unfamiliar stimuli that it was receiving. In another second, it would go into complete shock. The roof of the cube split into two halves. The light that appeared along the crack was absolutely blinding to him.
The people in the street still remained speechless as the two halves of the roof opened up like a box top, and stood completely vertical. Then the two sides with the now-double-height walls separated from the front and back, and began to slide straight down into the square hole. Once they had gone halfway down, and all four walls of the box were equal heights again- all of the sides began to slide down in unison.
The prisoner stood on something other than air for the first time in nearly fifteen-thousand years, as his cables released from his body and fell away to the floor with a thump. The alien touch of steel to his feet made him cry out. The crowd gasped as they heard the strange grunt from within the cube. Surprisingly, his strong legs still held him fine. He felt strange pricks in his skin as the feeding and waste tubes were yanked from his body. These, along with the cables, were being pulled down through the now-open cracks between wall and floor, as the sides lowered the rest of the way into the hole.
Everyone stood stunned, as there before them, was a strange being of immense build, with a mouthful of sharp-looking yellow fangs. It raised its big arm to protect its squinting, beady eyes. Only once the governmental types started landing around the area on Three-Hundredth Street, did the people start to move and talk again. What was it? Where did it come from? Was it dangerous?
Now mostly over his initial shock, the creature sat in the lush accommodations provided for it by the friendly people of the moon city. He had only recently started to talk to himself again.
You cannot take back that kind of apology. It was heartfelt, and absolutely real. That is the only reason that the prison released us. We would still be there had I not had my revelation. He shuddered. The monster was just now beginning to enjoy being free. For the first agonizing weeks, he had wished for nothing but a return to what had become so familiar to his very fibre. Now he was finally beginning to appreciate the situation. It felt good.
We are stronger than ever though. We could amass a small group in a few days. There are plenty of degenerates here who could be easily swayed to our cause.
No! I meant it. We will co-exist here. We must pay back what we have once taken.
But they are no longer your environmental saviours whom you once felt such compassion for.
Yes they are. They have only strayed from the path. That is all. Fortunately they have me to guide them back to where they once belonged.
Hmmm, I wonder why it is then, that you haven’t told them of our infamous past history here.
You be quiet about that now! We will never go back there. And if they never know, then they will never send us back. Is that clear?
I don’t know. I don’t think we have anything to worry about. There are a dozen vehicles waiting just outside the door and up that elevator. We could take one, head for the impoverished districts, and set up base camp before they even knew we were gone. Come on! It’s in your blood! YOU HAVE TO DO AS I SAY!
After a long pause, the creature began to nod in agreement.