On the seventh day the heavens stormed,
sending waves from Lake Ontario splashing.
Please with the way that nature and we blended
we moved to higher ground.
Around us we felt a once cool breeze become piping hot.
Looking upwardly we saw the sky as a sea of swirling colors.
Electrified, burning with desire, for once I was alive.
This was the beginning to the goodness of things to come.
Because she was who I lived for.
Tenderly, I turned her around…and around.
Her love tasted as could only fresh honey.
I promised to do anything for her.
Wildly pumping our way to happiness
we were sadly aware that none of this was to last.
But we refused to care about anything beyond
each other.
Reaching for everything past each other
our fading hopes took us back
to the shore.
Later, when it was over
I stood helplessly alone
gazing at a rapidly retreating sea.
Casting upon it all my manly needs.
Hoping for a response that would somehow say
how I might visualize
the girl whose captivating, green, eyes
once sparkled and shined my way.