Sabledrake Magazine February, 2002
Feature Articles Black Hearts and Broken Dreams
Regular Articles
Mystic Weapons Of RenownCopyright © 2002 By Derek Bessette
Note: These weapons all have histories based in the World of Greyhawk fantasy setting for AD&D 1st or 2nd Edition. Of course, a resourceful Dungeon Master will find a way to fit anything into a campaign! Also, italic type is information generally known, and can be given to players. The rest is for the DM's eyes only -- the players must search it out.
--Aldebranche, Elder Sage, Mage's Guild of Greyhawk
The Weapons
DIRN -- "Diamondice", "Ice-Point", or "Foe-Freezer"
Dirn is a special cold tongue spear, for its powers depend on its user. It has an intelligence of 14 and an ego of 17, but it acts as only a +1 spear to any other than an elf, even a half-elf. In the hands of an elf, it speaks elvish, common, oerid, flan, and is telepathic. Its powers reveal themselves as its 'owner' gains levels. Consult the following chart:
Frost Tongue: As the sword of the same name. Impale: On a critical hit (any to-hit totaling 20 or more), will cause double damage, and the victim must save vs. death magic or be skewered to death. Lance Ability: Dirn will shrink to javelin size (4'), or grow to lance length (18'+), for use on horseback. Special: Dirn's special ability is to douse any flame within a sixty foot diameter, including magical flames such as walls of fire, fireballs, etc., though these get a saving throw vs. magic at the level of caster that created them. Dirn also confers fire resistance to its owner at this level. Dirn's shaft was carved from a branch of the Evertree, and its head was forged of purest mithril, silver, and adamantite. It was indeed lost by Sildarion's cousin, Earnur Whisperleaf, when he was waylaid by humanoids while hunting in the Horned Society. The spear found its way to Dorakaa, and is now owned by a minor officer, who is conveniently being stationed on a border fortress near Furyondy. He is unaware of the spear's history or powers, thinking it to be just a poorly dweomered weapon!
ERENHAR -- The Kirrbow, The Bow Of Ehlonna
Erenhar appears as a greatbow when possessed by a human, a longbow when possessed by a half-elf, and as a shortbow by any other race. All incarnations are made of hornwood and look rather mundane. In any case, it is considered a +5 weapon against any being or outer-planar creature, though it only gets +3 to hit and damage. Any being of good or neutral alignment may use it. If any evil being, or one opposed to Ehlonna, merely touches it, they must save vs. paralyzation or turn into a tree on the spot (and they still can't use it). Erenhar has an intelligence of 14 and an ego of 11, and speaks neutral good, oerid, elf, treant, unicorn, centaur, and brownie. Any ranger possessing the Kirrbow gains 10% on their ranger abilities (tracking), but only a true follower of Ehlonna can access its real powers. In the hands of a believer, Erenhar bestows the following: Camouflage: When in forest, woodlands, or meadows, the possessor is 95% invisible to sight and sound, much as a woodland creature would be. Missiles: Erenhar will fire any 1' or longer arrow-like projectile as a normal arrow. Magic arrows are treated normally. This allows the possessor to use rough sticks, branches, etc, as missiles, so as long as one remains in the forest, there should be a limitless supply of arrows. This does not change the sticks to arrows when fired. Ehlonna's Streamer: Once a day, the possessor may fire an arrow and cause it to become a thick, sturdy vine which will act as a grappling hook and rope of up to 180' length, anchoring firmly to whatever it contacts. It may also be used as an entanglement spell against one opponent. The vine has AC 5 and 15 hit points for purposes of cutting it. Note: If the vine entangles an opponent and the bowman tries to climb up the vine in any way, the vine is only anchored to the opponent! Ehlonna's Eyes: Once a day, the possessor may call upon a small woodland creature (squirrel, rabbit, robin, etc.), which will act as a wizard eye spell. The creature will act so for one turn. It cannot attack. This power works only in natural surroundings. Seek: Twice a day Erenhar may seek an enemy or target, striking unerringly. This means two arrows, not two attacks of two arrows. Bargraine is indeed growing old. The champion will soon be accepted into the care of Ehlonna's celestial home, where he will study for the next five centuries to become a deva or planetar. The bow will be passed on...
The Magic Items
Glass Rats
Glass Rats: AC 5, HD 1/2, HP 2, No/Att 1, Dmg 1-2 + special, attack as 2 HD creatures. A glass rat can make only one successful attack, upon which it explodes, releasing its contents within a 10' diameter. Contents may be acid, oil (which catches when the rat explodes), poisons, or gases. They are 90% invisible to sight and sound, and surprise 85% of the time. They exude a strong magic aura, so they may be found with a detect magic spell. A rat that is killed before it explodes falls into shards and does not explode, and its contents evaporate harmlessly (you may opt to change this, having them explode at any contact, but I find this too dastardly to do to players). The rats are fragile, and only four of them can be carried in a backpack (wrapped with plenty of padding). Any other transport risks shattering them, with appropriate effects. They can carry out simple commands, will travel up to 180' to complete their orders, and can go anywhere a giant rat can go. Once ordered, they cannot be 'reprogrammed'. To create glass rats, a mage must obtain a Manual of Creation for them. The ritual of creation takes eight hours, and involves the use of 150 g.p.'s of crystal and a vial of giant rat blood per rat, a jar of the desired contents, and the spells unseen servant, locate object, and shatter. Up to four rats can be created in an eight hour span. This Manual should not be obtained easily, but it is fine for it to be given to a character as payment, if the character carries out a mission for the Mage's Guild of Greyhawk or Chendl.
The Staff Of Gaer
The Staff of Gaer is a highly useful item. It strikes as a +1 weapon and does only 2-7 points of damage, but it adds 2 to the owner's armor class. Its main function is gleaning knowledge. Its innate abilities, costing no charges, are continual light, read magic, and wizard mark. Powers costing one charge are comprehend languages, detect magic, identify, and know alignment. Powers costing two charges are locate object, detect illusion, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and ESP. Powers costing three charges are wizard eye, infravision, and ultravision. Once a month, the staff may cast legend lore at a cost of six charges. The staff contains twenty charges, and may be recharged. It is usable only by a magic-user.
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