Sabledrake Magazine August, 2001
Feature Articles Diary of a PBeM, Pt 1: Foundations Down and Out in Wren's Crossing, Pt.3
Regular Articles
Tips for GMs and WritersWhat’s Your Fantasy?Copyright © 2001 Christine Morgan
The Random Villain Generator
Introduction –
Among my many other projects, I am the editor of the Gargoyles online fanzine Avalon Mists. In the Autumn issue, I presented a strange little something of my own design, the Random Gargoyle Generator, as part of a Writers’ and Artists’ Challenge. It got some amazing results in terms of pics and stories, inspired an automated version from someone much more computer-savvy than I, and created more than a few people who became self-professed RGG addicts, rolling up clan after clan of random gargs. So I thought it might be fun to try something similar with villains, and I present for your entertainment and possible use, the Random Villain Generator. If you try it and get some fun results, send them to me (anything from a rough rundown to a character sheet to a pic to a full-out story) and we’ll include them in a future issue of Sabledrake. Note: Math and its related activities have never been my strong point (just one more reason why I majored in Psych; the only math-type prereq was Statistics, and as none of the professors wanted it either, I wound up taking it from the same quirky guy who taught the Psychology of Creativity course). Therefore, of course, these tables are only a guideline intended for fun. Results that are contradictory, inappropriate, or downright silly should be re-rolled, ignored, or adapted to fit the character.
Table 1 – Race. Roll 2d6 2-3 Dwarven 4-5 Undead (roll on 1a) 6-8 Human 9-10 Elven 11 Orcish 12 Other (roll on 1b)
Table 2 – Gender. Roll 1d6 1-3 Male 4-6 Female
Table 3 – Age. Roll 2d6 2 Child 3-4 Adolescent 5-6 Young Adult 7-8 Adult 9-10 Mature Adult 11 Elderly 12 Ancient
Table 4 – Appearance. Roll 3d6 3 Unbearably Beautiful 4-5 Exceptionally Beautiful 6-7 Handsome/Beautiful 8-9 Attractive 10-11 Average 12-13 Unattractive 14-15 Ugly 16-17 Hideously Ugly 18 Unbearably Grotesque
Table 5 – Hair/Fur Color. Roll 3d6 3-4 Metallic (roll on 5a) 5-6 White (roll on 5b) 7-8 Blond (roll on 5c) 9-10 Black (roll on 5d) 11-12 Brown (roll on 5e) 13-14 Red (roll on 5f) 15-16 None 17-18 Streaked (roll twice more on this table and combine, re-roll 15 or above)
Table 6 – Hair Style. Roll 1d6 on each subtable Subtable 6a – Length 1 shorn/crewcut 2 short 3 midlength 4 long 5 very long 6 bearded or roll again Subtable 6b – Style 1 loose 2 ponytailed 3 braided 4 curled 5 wigged 6 loose
Table 7 – Skin Color. Roll 1d6 1 fair 2 dusky 3 dark 4 bronze-olive 5 reddish-copper 6 re-roll; on another roll of 6, albino
Table 8 – Height. Roll 2d6 2 dwarfism 3-4 short 5-9 average 9-10 tall 12 gigantism
Table 9 – Body Type. Roll 2d6 2-3 very thin 4-5 slender 6-8 average 9-10 very fit 11-12 mesomorphic
Table 10 – Physical Impairments. Roll 3d6 3-5 drug addiction (roll on 10a) 6-7 sickness (roll on 10b) 8-11 none 12-13 minor permanent injury or impairment (roll on 10c) 14-15 major permanent injury or impairment (roll on 10d) 16-17 crippling injury or impairment (roll on 10e) 18 abnormal physical feature (roll on 10f) or roll twice more on this table
Table 11 – Profession. Roll 3d6 3-4 scholar 4-5 politician/advisor 6-8 warlord 9-10 wizard 11-12 priest 13-14 thief 15-16 advisor 17-18 entertainer
Table 12 – Personality Type. Roll 3d6 3 irrational 4-5 sullen 6-7 sadistic 8-9 megalomaniac 10-11 vengeful 12-13 fanatical 14-15 charismatic 16-17 noble 18 cold and emotionless
Table 13 – Motivation. Roll 3d6 3 madness 4-5 love 6-7 revenge 8-9 greed 10-11 ambition 12-13 jealousy 14-15 religious / higher purpose 16-17 bloodlust 18 possessed/controlled
Table 14 – Goal. Roll 1d6 1 obtain item (roll on 14a) 2 obtain person (roll on 14b) 3 conquer land 4 avenge insult 5 please a god or other entity 6 gain power (roll on 14c)
Table 15 – Underlings. Roll 1d6 on each subtable as applicable 15a – Number 1 none 2 one henchman 3 small group 4 large group 5 army / nation 6 pet/familiar
15b – Type 1 magical creature / undead 2 thugs / brutes 3 soldiers / guards 4 toadies / citizens 5 priests / apprentices 6 slaves / prisoners
15c – Loyalty 1 rebellious 2 reluctant 3 cowed 4 devoted 5 enslaved 6 bought
Table 16 – Lair. Roll 1d6 1 cave / wilderness 2 ruins / shack 3 house / shop 4 castle / temple 5 dungeon 6 mobile
Sample random villains:
#1 – Fire Wasp Race: human Gender: male Age: young adult Appearance: ugly Hair: black, short, braided Skin: reddish-copper Height: average Body Type: very fit Physical Impairment: none Profession: wizard Personality Type: vengeful Motivation: ambition Goal: obtain elixir Underlings: small group, guards, rebellious Lair: mobile
Fire Wasp wasn’t always ugly and mean. Once a happy child, he made the mistake of offending a witch and was cursed with ugliness. His family was so horrified that they abandoned him in the wilderness, expecting him to die. He survived and confronted the witch, and when she refused to remove the curse, he lost his temper and killed her. By doing so, he wound up gaining her powers for his own, but the curse remained. Through long years of research, he has learned of the existence of an elixir that he believes will reverse the effects. He has gotten a taste of power and finds that he likes it, and fears that if he does find the elixir, it will also remove his magical ability. He is belligerent and a scrapper, angry at the world because he has no home. He travels from place to place in the company of a small group of guards, who fear him and would rebel given an opportunity.
#2 Luvina Race: undead, ghoul Gender: female Age: child Appearance: unattractive Hair: red, long, loose Skin: fair Height: average Body Type: slender Physical Impairment: mild scarring Profession: thief Personality Type: megalomaniac Motivation: jealousy Goal: avenge insult Underlings: pet Lair: house
Luvina died at age seven from a fever. She came back as a ghoul because her grave was, unbeknownst to her parents, on soured and evil ground. The results of her ordeal can be seen in her gaunt face and the scars all along arms that she got while breaking out of her coffin. Since her resurrection, Luvina has taken up residence in an abandoned house near a cemetery, with only her pet carrion crow as a companion. She stays indoors by night, but when dusk falls she goes out into the streets to beg or steal. Because she rose from the dead and because she is still basically as self-centered as any child, she is convinced that she is special, and will go out of her way to cause trouble for anyone who seems better off than she is.
#3 Azgrak Race: orcish Gender: male Age: elder Appearance: average Hair: none Skin: dark Height: short Body Type: average Physical Impairment: missing hand Profession: advisor Personality Type: sadistic Motivation: greed Goal: gain political power Underlings: army of thugs, cowed Lair: wilderness
The brother to the chief of the orcs, Azgrak was always the brains of the family. He worked his way up until he had control over a large chunk of the orcish army living in constant fear of him (or, more likely, of his torture-chamber). Now that Azgrak’s brother is dying, his position is in danger because Azgrak’s sons have no use for their dried-up, one-handed, bald old uncle. He’ll do anything to keep or improve his position. |
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